Sunday, June 19, 2011

Some Tips to Save You Time Waiting in Lines!

With our tight schedules, time is something precious.  None of us likes to waste extra time  standing in long lines if we can avoid it.  There are some tips that may help save you the hassle.

When you need to do your banking, you might think of skipping that visit near lunch hours, especially in business districts.  Another thing you should keep in mind is that paychecks usually get deposited the first and 15th of the month.

Instead, you would find it wiser to stop by your bank midmorning or midafternoon during the middle of the week for the fastest service.

Have you hunted for advertised sales at a department store during your lunch hour or on the weekends and found nothing left?  I know I have wasted more than my share of time searching needlessly until I found a better way.

Instead, your best bet would be to stop in one hour after the store opens if possible or around 3:00 to 4:00 P.M.   Another tactic would be checking the store the night before the big sale an hour before closing as the retail staff prepares to set up for the sale.  Sometimes you can buy items ahead of time.

You need to go to one of the home centers.  However, you should plan your visit around lunchtime to midafternoon instead of mornings when contractors come for their supplies.

Post office lines can take forever if you show up at the wrong time.  The worst times to go to the post office are lunch hours, upon opening and about an hour before closing. 

The best time probably to go the post office is midmorning and midafternoons.

None of these suggestions are guarantees only best bets to hopefully save you more time so you can read my blog!