The next time you feel tired, but still need to keep on going, you could try these simple tips to pep up.
Stretching out on your bed or sofa for just five minutes for a short cat nap can do wonders to restore that zapped energy.
Another way is to drink plenty of cold water through the day. According to certain studies, energy levels improve when drinking small amounts of chilled water every 30 minutes all day long makes a tremendous difference. When you feel exceptionally tired after a chore, then reach for that glass of chilled water and drink!
If you're sitting too long at a desk for a while, then get up and take a break. Go for a short, but brisk walk to get your circulation working and that blood pumping. If you're at work, you can get that energy back by walking swiftly down the hall.
For those tied to the computer, you can disconnect and head outdoors for a short jaunt around the block. Another idea is to use your stairs like a stair master a few times to get your blood pumping. The idea is moving more increases energy.
Acupressure is an amazing thing I highly recommend as well as for some aches and pains, such as from an injury resulting in a muscle spasm. Along your outer ear is where a lot of your head's pressure points are found. You know when you locate a pressure point when it hurts compared to another non-painful spot along that area. When you find that trigger point, you pinch that piece of outer ear and hold for a short time and then keep moving until you find the next trigger point.
I use acupressure all the time for different things. This method helps quite a bit sometimes better than some drugs in my personal experience. The only problem is sometimes finding the trigger points exact location on your body according to some published diagrams to accompany the book.
Snacking differently on nuts, raisins, and fruits instead of candy can help you sustain your energy levels better than jumping around sporadically like it does with typical junk food.
Hopefully, you will go from feeling blah to good again sooner than you think once you try these suggestions!