Saturday, April 27, 2013

Discover Glipho for More Social Media Connections (Review)

**Disclaimer:  This post has been compensated through a free product (s) or monetary payment.  Opinions are solely mine. All links are "no-follow" links.**
Glipho logo.jpeg

Have you heard about Glipho yet?  This is an exciting new social blogging community that connects Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Instagram to drive traffic and influence from all social networks for the content you're passionate about and need to share with others.  

You can create posts or "Gliphs" directly on the site or download posts from your existing blog and gain additional exposure for whatever you write.

Posts are organized by like topics in linking the same interest seeking users together for maximum effectiveness of your post, otherwise known as the "Gliph."

Once you become an official Glipher, you can put your creativity to further use by dragging and dropping images and video from YouTube, Instagram, Picasa, and Flickr accounts directly into your "Gliphs."

Besides sharing articles, you can use Glipho's discussion tools and discuss "Gliphs."  You can also "like"  fellow Gliphers' content or even compete to be among the trending writers.  

The possibilities of what you can bring to life and throw out there are endless with this platform.

Check out the Glipho website and I will see you there as well.  Look for my Nuts 4 Stuff "Gliphs" coming soon to you!

Disclaimer:  I did not receive any financial incentives or other benefit from Glipho to share what I found with you through my honest take on this website.