The assortment I received for this review was the Shaping Tights with Massaging Sole ($9.99) that comes in black and designed for improving the figure. I also got a pair of the Fashion Tights (Ribbed) with Massaging Sole that could add an extra edge to an outfit. Last of all, I found a pair of the Fleece Trouser Socks ($5.99), which are thicker than tights and stretchy with a soft lining to keep feet toasty among the items.
Whether you like the look of an Opaque leg to one that is ribbed or has a chevron motif, Diamond pattern to a Fishet design, or even fleece lined to shaping tights, the company has a style of tights for you. This collection also includes fishnet and fleece lined trouser socks.
These legwear styles range in price from $5.99-$9.99 around the nation and online. Check them and the more than 40 styles available at the Kushyfoot website.