Monday, October 31, 2016

How to Best Keep Foundation From Settling Into Facial Lines!

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This beauty got it right by learning how to make her foundation work for her.

With age, we may gain experience and wisdom through what life taught us.  Unfortunately, another bonus is the problem of fine lines and wrinkles.  You may have noticed that some of your favorite foundations that you wore regularly are starting to call attention to those creases.  Though you can’t stop time unless you reverse what is happening to your face with Botox or a surgical procedure, there are ways to help lessen your chances of foundation possibly embarrassing you.

A silicone-based primer can give your face a great running start by providing the smoothness to level out that uneven texture of your skin.  It also can help distract from an aging face since it has some light-reflective properties as well.  Since older faces also are more likely to be drier, silicones have another benefit of adding a moisturizing, velvety softness.

You can even go one step further by looking for a liquid foundation with silicones.  This variety of foundation has an effect of somewhat lifting the makeup to sit on top of the skin’s surface due to their large molecules so it won’t burrow into your wrinkles in the same way as a regular foundation might.  

A trick that I have been using lately for my laugh lines is applying some liquid foundation to a slightly damp sponge to gently press the makeup in.  This prevents wrinkle overloading to make it look obvious later.

Silicones seem the solution.  Yet, our faces do pay a price since such ingredients like dimethicone are also considered “bioaccumulative,” which means they can be become a barrier over time blocking your moisturizers, serums and anti-aging creams from penetrating into the deeper layers of your skin.  

In order to keep the skin healthy and prevent the possibility of acne, regular exfoliation is important to help shed old skin cells while removing what is still lingering.  However, you need to be smart about not overdoing or you can damage your skin.  

Exfoliate with chemical peeling products no more than twice a week. In between, exfoliate daily by a gentle means such as a wash cloth with your cleanser.  Mixing a small bit of non-abrasive facial cleaner with a teaspoon of baking soda is another that won't overly irritate.

Perhaps, you also might want to think of switching your foundation for a tinted moisturizer or BB cream that can be kinder to aging complexions for this kind of coverage.  You also get extra skin benefits with heavier SPF protection and anti-aging ingredients.       

Just because we age doesn’t mean we can’t keep looking beautiful.  The secret is learning how to adapt our makeup and applications to our changing faces.