This beauty is about to discover the amazing skin care benefits of ingredients from the kitchen. |
All you need to have on hand is a bottle of apple cider vinegar. This is an excellent way to disinfect your face of bacteria, balance the pH level and control oil. The recipe is simple. What you do is mix two tablespoons of that vinegar to one-fourth cup of water. Wash your face first, then dip a cotton ball in this toner and swipe it over your face. Leave this toner on for about 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, rinse clean.
Though you have many brands of apple cider vinegar to select from, you might want to consider an organic apple cider vinegar like Braggs. This cloudier variety contains the “mother,” with more proteins, enzymes and friendly bacteria than the other varieties and seems to have more beauty power when it comes to skin.
I hope that you give my DIY Oil Reducing Toner recipe a shot because I’ve been there and know how frustrating an oily complexion can be. Try this and hopefully it will do for you what it did to cut the excessive oil from my skin.