Thursday, July 13, 2017

Why You May Want to Alter Your Manicuring Habits Just a Bit

I don’t know how regularly that you paint your nails, but if you want the enamel to last longer than the time that you’re getting, then I may be able to help.  

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Simple changes can extend the life of your manicure.
Don’t remove old nail polish and decide to do it later because your hands could pick up oils during that delay when you return to do that complete manicure, regardless how little time may have passed.  Fresh polish adheres best to a completely dry nail surface.  

Therefore, if the phone rings or something else comes in between you and finishing your manicure, just grab another cotton ball with nail polish remover and swipe your nails again first. Then proceed with your polish.

What else that helps extend your manicure’s life is keeping nails on the shorter side, which is classic.  Overly long ones seem to chip and break more.  

After you apply a top coat, you might think that you’re finished.  Instead, try adding a fresh top coat daily to nails.  This really intensifies the shine while further protecting.

Keeping your hands in water is not the best thing to do when wearing nail polish. Wearing gloves when you wash dishes manually can help prolong a manicure, but just as important is avoiding leisurely baths in favor of shorter showers.  

These simple adaptations to your manicure routine can be all it takes to give you a day or two more for your need to redo those nails.